Girls who look like cheese!

A slice of cheese, yes please.

Putting a face onto a slice of cheese as opposed to a flat-slice is a daring move. However, I am not afraid of cheese. Cheese is actually one of the few things that I am not afraid of. I am afraid of heights, bacteria, women, greasy computer mice, guys named stacy, and middle-aged white women who's kid is on the soccer team. But not cheese however. Well, except for Gouda. That stuff gives me the willies.

A jar of cheese balls, technically cheese.

Every photo created here on is created with a person. Every face connects with one kind of cheese specifically. For example, if you seem to be a kindhearted and loyal soul, your face will be plastered onto a slice of Brie. However, if you seem to be wicked and rude, you will be photoshopped onto a slice of Camembert. Now that's really bad. With this face, I had a challenge. In the end, I had to bend the rules with this one. As you can clearly tell, this face looks like it consumes many a cheeseball. Yet another match made.

Mr. Bombastic rocking a new chain.

This subject seemed perfect for its choice. I see no reason for Mr. Bombastic to rock the faceified cheese-necklace while he's dissing nerds and saving starving children in Africa. It was known that Mr. Bombastic had the ability to save Harambé, but did not get notified in time to do so. Mr. Bombastic was also known to be the only one that the all powerful Chuck Norris feared.

Ah yes, this one.

This one was a tough one. This will probably be the most uncheese one here. The face did not match any cheese energies that I am aware of, all I was able to read was "UMMMMMMM EXCUSE ME?" from this face. That greasy hair going down the center of the face intrigued me, and reminded me... reminded me of that war-torn city... but anyway. This "cheese" was fit to match, as Nikakado Avacodo is probably more than 50% cheese at this point, which is more cheese per particle than the average store bought cheese nowadays. So yeah, this is cheese. Deal with it.

A slice into tyranny.

This face. This very face. Is the face that identifies every single emotion possible. Joy. Sadness. Anger. Despair. Elation. Surprise. Spinach. All of them. Or just the face you make before you sneeze. I'm getting a mix of "This present is exactly what I wanted!" and "Joseph Stalin just murdered my parents in front of me." So many questions, like where are her teeth? How are her eyebrows that thin? Did she shave her eyebrows? Can you shave eyebrows? What even classifies as an eyebrow? Hair by your eye? So what are eyelashes? Am I an eyebrow? We must stay focused brothers.


Macaroni and Child. Yum.

Cubed cheese, an interesting form.

Shapes are cool and all, but when it's for cheese it is imperative to be correct. Triangles will not work for cheese unless it's in a 3D slice. Square is the only shape that can be selected for a 2D slice. It is a common myth that hexagon cheese exists, however those riots such as the "Hex-cheese" riots of the late 20th century have been successfully quelled. Hex-cheese is an abomination that must be cleansed. Cube cheese is an interesting subject. Triangle normally dominated the 3D market as it can be created by cutting a slice out of a Cheese Wheel™, whilst cheese cubes are much more difficult to manufacture. While cheese triangles are eaten via biting small pieces, cheese cubes can be enjoyed by a bite or by popping it into your mouth. Ah, cheese politics, what a wonderous and expansive subject.